Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Wife of Noble Character

Finally made it to Proverbs 31.  I feel like I could blog for about 8 days on this one, but I'll keep it short and sweet for today.

Before we get to the wife of noble character, can I just say how much I love these verses:

 “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, 
   for the rights of all who are destitute. 
Speak up and judge fairly; 
   defend the rights of the poor and needy.” vs 8-9

It makes me sad that we (individually and as the Church collectively) aren't speaking up for the needy and vulnerable like we should.  Some friends and I were at a Christian concert on Sat night and were amazed at the huge amount of people there.  My dear friend commented that Baltimore would look so different if just each person in that room were totally living for God.  I don't care what your political views are - I think the church (we!) should be taking care of the hurting and needy in our midst.  More government programs aren't going to help - people being Jesus to other people is the only solution.  And that's wisdom folks!

Ok - off my soapbox!

On to verses 10-31.  Is this woman not amazing?  Truthfully, I get a little tired when I read about all she does...but I still love her and want for those things to be said about me one day.  Well, the wife and mother part I don't have as much control over, but the rest I can be working on now :-)  She works hard, loves fiercely, speaks wisely, cares greatly and laughs joyfully!!  What a combination!!!  I did get out of bed before it was light out, but not quite as successfully as her.  I made it to the gym, but forgot socks and deodorant (and of course it will be 60 degrees here today!).  Don't worry, 7-11 not only sells delicious coffee, I can also can pick up forgotten toiletries needed for the day!  :-)

Baby steps - I think that's how I'll work on this.  

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