Monday, September 26, 2011

I've missed you!

It has been crazy busy lately!  Here's the Reader's Digest version (I promise to fill in the details in coming posts!):
Work has been crazy, but fun!  We are programming an entire ERP system in house.  (not me personally, but actually some coworkers in Nicaragua)  The leader of the team has been up from Nicaragua trying to help us get our acts together to get him the information that he needs.  My personal opinion is that I would enjoy these meetings every day much more if they were actually in Nicaragua (probably one of my favorite places in the world!)
Exit started back up again for the fall and it's been great!  We're doing a series on discernment at church too and it's gone along with Exit.  I'm so encouraged and proud of a friend who's been starting to come to church with me as well.  I hope they're getting as much out of the messages as I have been!  God has really been opening my eyes to how much more I need to be listening for His voice.  I feel like I'm on an exciting journey of trying to listen and follow.  Can't wait to see where He leads!
I started doing Weight Watchers 2 weeks ago and it's going great!  I have some friends doing it as well, so it's been really encouraging to hold each other accountable.  My pants are feeling much looser, and the scale is looking better too :-)
2 weekends ago I went to the wedding of a girl I used to babysit!  She looked so beautiful and I'm so proud of her and happy for her.  At the same time I felt sooooo old!  Isn't she beautiful?
(Sorry, my phone didn't take the best pictures in this lighting.)  It was so great to see so many good friends from my mom's church and catch up with people I hadn't talked to in so long!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


You can't stand still... if you're not moving forward, then you're moving backwards.  Heard that one before?  Yeah, me too.  But until I started reading Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick, I had never really thought about that statement in the context of my prayer life.  God is really using this book to wreck my world a little bit and shake up my life, my goals, what I'm praying for, how I get the point.  Don't you love it when He really hits the point home through your friends and church too!  Every sermon seems to call out the same areas in my life that need to change, and my friends who will not hesitate to hold me accountable validate it too (in fact, a good deal of this post comes from a conversation with a friend yesterday.)  I'm sorta at the stage where I'm saying, yes God, I've definitely been in a holding pattern, but what's next?  I'm reading Furtick's book to help me figure out the road to that answer.  You'll have to read the book to get ALL the great nuggets of wisdom, but the general heart of it is - God has such an amazing purpose for each of us, greater than we can imagine and He wants to do the impossible through fact, Joshua asked that the sun would stand still to give the Israelites more time to win a battle and his prayer of faith was answered.  The reason we (or I) are not realizing and living in the awesome potential God has for us is because we aren't trusting Him to do what He's promised...and additionally, we (again, or I) are not even asking Him what that is!  We are content with the humdrum of our daily lives...or are we?  I think I mistake contentment for complacency, because when I think about these things, I am certainly not content.  Do I really want to just "get by"?  Do you?  I know I've shared the verse in John 10 before where Jesus tells us He came to earth so that we may have life and have it in abundance.  I'm realizing I need to surrender my day to God each and every morning and remind myself of this truth, or else I honestly will be just asking to get through another day.

Our sermon on Sunday night was on distractions.  We focused on the story of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3.  It's pretty familiar probably, even to those who aren't Christians, but I encourage you to read it.  Our pastor Khori spoke about how just a tiny distraction can completely throw our life off course and in some instances do major damage.  We are like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, where God gives us free reign of more than we could ever want - there's a banquet table of amazing things he has set out for us.  But, we chose the one tiny apple that He said we can't have, and forgo the real gifts and true purpose He has for us.  For me, it was easy to pinpoint distractions in my life right away - competition, my need for acceptance and love, caring too much about what people think of me, pride...the list goes on.  What was more difficult to determine was - what am I actually missing because of these distractions?  What does God have on my banquet table that I'm choosing to forgo?  I think it's so important to determine this, or the distractions will surely overwhelm us.  It's a lot easier to walk forward if we know what we are walking toward.

So that's where my prayers are focused now.  What is it that you have for me God?  I have some ideas.  Furtick says that in our prayers, we have to "walk in faith, not stand in hope."  We are told to pray in faith and approach God's throne with boldness, but is it really a prayer of faith, if we don't moveforward?  Furtick also says "Every aspiration you have in prayer needs an accompanying action.  Otherwise, you're not really praying.  You're just pontificating.  You do the natural.  Trust God for the super."
So what are you waiting for?  Put your shoes on with me and start walking!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Things I learned this weekend

I had no idea when I agreed to go to our bank's office to watch the Baltimore Grand Prix and even invited friends to go with me that I would enjoy it so much!!  Racing?  Me?  I do have a thorough appreciation for driving fast, but this was truly amazing.  Here's my view:
I also was completely surprised that watching tennis is actually interesting and exciting.  My friends were watching the US Open in my basement last night and after they explained the scoring to me, I was much so, that I stayed up way past my bedtime watching!

Finally, I learned this weekend how much I miss this place:
After having this view for a week, it was really hard to come to work on this rainy morning!!  If only I could figure out a way to work from the beach every day!!  More on my vacation later.

Have a great week!