Friday, January 13, 2012

It's Purple in Baltimore

I love living in a city where the team's color is purple.  This could not make me happier. First of all, I love wearing purple.  Secondly, the city looks so good when it's all decked out in shades of purple and black.  :-)  We had a bye the first round of playoffs last week and the whole city is preparing for the big game on Sunday.   Isn't it funny how a color can bring people together?  Even the lights in the subway are purple.  There is definitely an excitement in the air!

I had two verses that stuck out to me today in Proverbs 13, so I thought I'd share both.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, 

   but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. v 13

As I was praying at the end of December, I found myself asking God how He wanted to grow and change me this coming year.  The theme I heard repeated over and over again was Hope.  I need to learn to hope in Him and trust that it pleases Him to give good gifts to His children (not for us to work for them, but just because of who He is.)  It is so hard to hope for something for so long and not see any signs of it becoming reality.  What I've found though, is that if we are looking, God is always sending us little signs that He's paying attention and he hasn't forgotten us.  He's meeting our little longings that we lose track of because we are so focused on the big thing we want so badly.  This year I want to be focused on the little ways He's filling my heart every day, and let that sustain me!

He who walks with the wise grows wise, 
   but a companion of fools suffers harm. v 20

My mom always told me to be careful about the friends I picked, because although you might make good decisions for yourself, you don't want to end up guilty by association.  Find some wise people to spend time with!

I will leave you this week with a sneak peek to part of my outfit for the game on Sunday...

I love my co-workers!  One of them brought me this this morning.  I will definitely be rocking the fanstache to show my solidarity with Flacco on Sunday.


  1. Val, it's really encouraging hearing your reflections on Proverbs as I'm reading through the same passages. The "hope deferred & longing fulfilled" verse stuck out to me as well, and I'm challenged by your prayer, "how do you want to change me, God?" Usually, I'm telling God how I want him to change me! Thanks for sharing your thoughtful reflections on these verses; I'm looking forward to reading more the rest of this month!

  2. Thanks Lynnae! I'd love to hear what God continues to speak to you about through Proverbs as well!!
