Thursday, July 7, 2011

So I Know I Can't Dance it weird then that I'm obsessed with all of the dancing reality shows?  Right now, I can't get enough of So You Think You Can Dance on Fox.  I've been known to dvr Dancing with the Stars when it's on (I know - so embarrassing!), but SYTYCD is by far my favorite.  (You know you watch it too!!  Who are your favorites this season?) I don't really know anything about dancing, and although I have rhythm from playing music growing up, I don't have that style that those who can dance have.  AT.ALL.  :-)  I wish I did though.  Isn't it funny how we sometimes dream of the things we are least likely to do?  I have heard people singing along to the radio and admit, with one breath, that they can't carry and tune, and in the next, divulge that their secret dream is to be the lead singer for a band.  What's your hidden passion?  Why do you think they always seem do be so different and "out there"?  Have you ever pursued a dream like this?  I'm so curious.
I have to go against my first rule of blogging today - always have a picture.  I've got nothing.  Along the same lines of dancing, I so admire people with great photography skills, but I feel like I am so not artistic.  I have friends who have started blogging a picture a day, some to document life and some to challenge their creativity.  Maybe I need to try that and see if I can be a little more creative.  Sort of like a babystep towards making it on SYTYCD :-) (or maybe Dancing with the Stars is more realistic?  I think I could beat Hines Ward any day!! - side note...CAN'T WAIT to start talking about football and my extreme dislike for the team the Dancing Champ plays for.)  But I digress...
Pictures it is!  Maybe the theme will be seeing God in everyday life.  Wish me luck!  And maybe I'll throw in some Just Dance on the Wii for good measure.  Who knows where all this creativity could lead.  Oh - and for all you aspiring singers out there - I also have Glee Karaoke, so you can come on over!

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