Monday, October 24, 2011

Prayer Request

This adorable little guy is David.  I met him in Nogales 2 summers ago when I went to Cuirim House for the first time and was lucky enough to see him again this summer.  My friend Becca took this picture of her boyfriend Rob (who, by the way, is currently touring with his band Ashes Remains - check them out on i-Tunes!) and his biggest fan!  Throughout the week we were at Cuirim house, if you were looking for David, you just had to find Rob.  It was pretty adorable.
David's dad, Carlos is one of the most inspirational men of faith I have ever met.  He manages the Cuirim House and is such a faithful man of God that he recently moved his family 4 hours south to a remote village in Mexico to start a new Cuirim House type ministry there.  He has been through more difficult times that I could ever imagine, but exudes such strength that his entire life just points to God.  Carlos is a friend to everyone he meets and not only can motivate you to give 110% in service to others and the Lord, but can also make you laugh harder than you knew you were able.
It's obvious that David looks up to his dad and is growing to become a man like him.  They are just people that you want to be around.
Sadly, I heard from Carlos last week that David is very very sick.  They think he might have leukemia and he's deteriorating very quickly.  In fact, he almost died on Friday night and the doctors are telling the family to prepare for the worst.  He was able to have a blood treatment that seemed to help him a little, but it is not a long term answer.  As you can imagine, the health care system where they are leaves a lot lacking.  The family has to round up their own blood donors for David.  The community in Nogales is coming together to give blood and ship it down to Herimosia (4 hours south of Nogales, where the family is.)  I'm fuzzy on the details, but if you would like to keep up with how you can be praying for David and his family, like "Cuirim Outreach" on Facebook.  They are posting updates on his condition pretty frequently.
I feel like God has such amazing plans for little David's life.  Please pray with me that he would be completely healed from whatever disease is making him so sick, that he would get the level of medical care that he needs and that the Doctors and Nurses would have wisdom and diligence, that they would find enough blood donors for him (he needs blood from 14 people), and that Carlos, Celia and their family would feel God's comfort, peace and strength.
Thanks in advance for your prayers!

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