Tuesday, November 30, 2021


 I love the holidays.  I don't even mind the busyness that comes with them.  This year has been particularly busy already, with trying to wrap everything up at work for a 3 month leave, preparing the house for a new baby (trusting she comes home), decorating for Christmas and buying and wrapping ALL.THE.GIFTS before she gets here.  The nesting bug has definitely hit me...along with the pregnancy discomfort that comes with carrying a bigger baby.  

It hit me over the weekend, when an emotional moment came out of nowhere, how distracted I've been.  It's so easy to forget about all God has been doing these past few months, to draw us so close to Him as we trust and hold on to hope.  I've said this before, I wish this wasn't our reality, but I'm so filled with thankfulness for the way the Lord has met us in our fears and uncertainty...for the ways He has encouraged us with all of you.  I don't want to ever forget any of it.  

It's such a blessing to get to see her every single week.  Today the blessing was not lost on me.  Part of my devotional reading was from Psalm 136, where the writer is giving thanks to God for who He is and what He's done.  Each phrase is completed with "His love endures forever."  His love for this little girl, for this little family is enduring.  I was filled with great gratitude for His enduring love as I soaked in her (very) chubby cheeks and double chins, her already full head of hair and her chunky little legs.  God is so good for giving us this very special time with her.  

All went well in today's appointments.  The amniotic fluid is decreasing (which is normal for this time in pregnancy) to normal levels and my body is still healthy and doing what it should to carry her to term.  Her brain remains stable.  The doctor said it actually doesn't look like the fluid is putting a severe amount of pressure on the tissue and she's liking how the tissue is developing.  Her guess is that it's going to be a "good outcome" when she's born, although we really won't know until that happens.  For now though, we'll just be glad for the positive reports and hopeful outlook.  And no matter what, our hope remains in the ultimate Healer.  

Here are some ways to keep praying for us:

- Pray that baby girl and I both stay stable and healthy

- Please pray for my sleep at night.  Indigestion, restless legs and just general discomfort and insomnia are making it tough.  She's already estimated to be over 7 lbs (which is bigger than Colton when he was born), so this is a bit different for me.

- Pray that I am able to bring things at work to good places before she comes

- Please continue to pray for a miraculous healing of her brain

We are trusting that God is good and He has worked out all of the details of her coming into the world and what happens after that.  Please know that whatever our "good outcome" looks like, if you are praying with us, you are already part of a miracle.  Her life is already so special.  Thanks for supporting us and praying for us!

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