Thursday, June 30, 2011

Why Not?

I have loved reading blogs for years!  People and relationships fascinate me, which probably explains why Reality TV is my guilty pleasure (yep, now you know!)  The truth is, each person on this earth is so different from any other person, and seeing/reading/hearing what people do and why they do it is so interesting to me.  I hesitated to write a blog for so long, because I felt like what I had to say really wasn't all that interesting compared to amazing photographers who post breathtaking and emotion evoking pictures, or the "mommy bloggers" who share the most heartwarming and hilarious stories from their hectic days, or people bravely battling illness who inspire and motivate with stories of their strength.  However, one thing I've been learning lately is that EVERYONE has a story and there is not one person who's thoughts, activities and talents aren't valuable.  So....why not write a blog then, right?  I have lots of thoughts on lots of things.  Many will chose to take them or leave them, but I think sometimes they might just take your breath away, warm your heart, crack you up, inspire you and/or motivate you!
My theme in life right now is just living abundantly and I cling to John 10:10 - "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."  No more sweating the small stuff, only living life to the full, the way God intended!    I'm glad you're going to join me for the ride!
One thing I don't like is when a blog post doesn't have pictures.  I don't have a cute baby, nor do I have any skills in photography, but I do have pointy fingers when I's the proof.  (Don't worry, this was a long time ago, I'm a much better dancer now, thanks to Just Dance on the Wii...well....kinda :-)


  1. Thanks for sharing your blog! I keep one as well, and find the whole process quite enjoyable and sometimes quite cathartic.

  2. Yay! Thanks for being my first comment :-) It looks like you've been blogging for a while. Can't wait to catch up a little on your life!
